Speech Script – how to back flip on skis

Intro: In a town such as ours I’m sure everyone in the room will have no problem following what I’m here to demonstrate today as today I am here to discuss the sport of skiing and how to take your freeskiing to the next level by stomping your first backflip on snow. A backflip if you didn’t know is when the skier goes up a jump push the hips forward and tilts the head backwards and then rotates 360 degrees upside down and you then spot your landing as you are coming around and then land back on the snow. Sounds easy right? You’d be surprised how easy it actually is and after im done showing you what to do you will be doing them in no time. 

Personal experiences 

I’ve been doing doing backflips since I was 12 years old so I’ve got the experience to tell you what you need to start trying backflips on the snow. 

  1. The correct gear this is a sturdy pair of skis, boots, clothing and most importantly a helmet because safety first.
  2. Preferably you need to know how to do them on the trampoline this makes it a much quicker process as you are doing the exact same skill but with skis on your feet. If you can’t that’s ok because I’ll take you through step by step exactly what to do. 
  3. A nice steep jump to start trying them on this takes the rotation so much easier because when you reach the end of the jump your at least a quarter of the way through the rotation. This can be out of the bottom of a half pipe or you can go out and build your own jump on the off piste.
  4. A spotter this is someone you trust such as a friend or family member to stand near the landing and make sure if you dont land it the first time you are ok and if not then they can get ski patrol.  

Demonstrate, tips and tricks from personal experience. 

Ok now I will bring up a video of myself performing a successful backflip. 

I will then break it down into key segments. 

There are 3 key parts to the rotation of the flip these consist of the pop, arms,the head and the landing. firstly you have to pop this means you have to build up energy in a slight crouch that you release at the end of the jump as you reach the end of the jump simultaneously you need to swing your arms forward and up and tilt your head backwards then see you landing, land and ski away. 

Now that you know the rotation of the flip now just need to know how to combine it with the psychological factor of commiting to the trick and applying the correct amount of speed to do the flip.  

  1. Visualisation this is key in building the confidence and commitment to do your first attempt. Here i am at the top of the jump closing my eyes and imagining yourself doing it. 
  2. Speed to you need to ensure you have the correct amount of speed that translates to enough airtime to get around the rotation. I like this by doing the jump a couple times to get the feel and imagining going through the parts of the rotation. 

Now you have all the information go out there and try it for yourself remember these tips and i promise you you’ll be looking like the pros in no time.

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